Sunday, November 22, 2009

In Which I Explain My Blog Title

Sometimes the coincidences begin to pile up. Jung wrote about this in his essay on synchronicity.... like one time he had a patient who told him a dream about a rare scarab beetle, whereupon he looked out the window to notice one knocking against the glass. He opened the window, grabbed it, and presented it to his patient, who had a lot of veils dissolved in that moment, or so he tells us.

Where do we keep our best selves, and is there even such a thing? I look inside myself and see a landscape. Not static, but fluxuous. (Yes, I invented that word). Sometimes the sky is an enormous space of clear air, sometimes it's a suffocating atmosphere of total drear. Where do I keep the little glowing cells? I know they're in there, I've felt them. Under the earth, hiding behind blades of grass? Sometimes I feel absolutely angelic, like I could photosynthesize, and then next week I'll feel paltry, craven, weak, cruel, small.

OK Then:
I have a theory that people are basically either energy batteries or energy sinks. You can't stay one for long. You can change from one to the other slowly or quickly, from minute to minute, or even faster. The bright animals are suffused with a surfeit of light energy, which is designed to infiltrate the system and activate the people around them. The dark animals are basically holes in the air. They suck up the energy around them. It's not their fault, necessarily, although some people get awfully good at being energy sinks. Like they base their self-concept as someone who depresses others, and they (erroneously) think this lends them individuality and interest.

This is such a basic duality that I think it holds true across most cultures and times. You move up, you move down. Bright or dark. Levity, or else gravity. You commune with angels, or you commune with demons. (If you want to just regard a Taijitu for a while, it'll explain all this far better than I ever could, just sayin'.)

1 comment:

  1. I can't express the deep profoundness this has to my experience of life. YES! all I have to say.
